Monday 10 September 2007

Hearts easy

Hearts easy where head's fail to rule
Eyes blinded as love tends to fool
Mind closed to all that is real
Senses numbed to all you can feel

Tuesday 4 September 2007


Unchanged by history, frozen in time
A shamble of buildings, chaotic and close
Winding pathways through shopfronts and homes
A bazaar of mules and wares

Cloying heat and exotic smells
Of spices and sweat, animal and man
Sunlight dappled through rushes and roofs
Rough ancient plaster and tarnished bronze

Vibrant colours, mosaic and cloth
Carvings of wood, deep grained and lacquered
Leathery faces sit basking from doorsteps
Aromas of mint and tea mixed with smoke

Saffron-stained leather dries in the sun
Hands and feet stained scarlet
Beaten gold into intricate designs
Adorn doorways next to tile mosaique

Shops that open onto sandy alleys
A labryinthine network of streets and buildings
Roofs overlapping, tilework and whitewash
Whilst the wail of religion calls to service
If I could escape my mind
And leave all of this behind
I'd travel the globe far and wide
Always with you by my side
Shadowing my every step
Branded on my soul lest I forget
Experiencing all the sights and sounds
Of new countries, cities and towns
For there's a whole world out there to see
So much bigger than you or me
So many lives touched by every fate
Of love and loss, of joy and hate
To gain perspective, a new frame of mind
To see that your problems amassed and combined
Amount to nothing, a superficiality
When some lives end in such brevity
I hope to gain such clarity
Experience a cultural and emotional tapestry